Showing 1 - 25 of 113 Results
Sir Ernest Satow's Private Letters to W.G. Aston and F.V. Dickins by Ruxton (ed.), Ian ISBN: 9781435710009 List Price: $33.95
Diaries of Sir Ernest Satow, British Envoy in Peking 1900-06 by Ruxton, Ian ISBN: 9781411688056 List Price: $36.50
Diaries of Sir Ernest Satow, British Envoy in Peking 1900-06 by Ruxton, Ian ISBN: 9781411688049 List Price: $39.50
The Semi-Official Letters of British Envoy Sir Ernest Satow by Ruxton (ed.), Ian ISBN: 9781430315025 List Price: $49.50
A Guide to Diplomatic Practice; By the Rt. Hon. Sir Ernest Satow ... by Ernest Mason Satow, Sir Ern... ISBN: 9781230862149 List Price: $12.34
A Guide to Diplomatic Practice Volume 2 by Ernest Mason Satow, Sir Ern... ISBN: 9781230458014 List Price: $12.74
A Guide to Diplomatic Practice Volume 1 by Ernest Mason Satow, Sir Ern... ISBN: 9781230282350 List Price: $13.54
Diaries of Sir Ernest Mason Satow, 1870-1883 by Ruxton, Ian ISBN: 9784902454956
The Diaries of Sir Ernest Satow, 1921-1926 - Volume One (1921-1923) by Ian Ruxton (ed.) ISBN: 9780359142347 List Price: $35.00
The Diaries of Sir Ernest Satow, 1906-1911 by Ian Ruxton (ed.) ISBN: 9780359872138 List Price: $39.95
Diaries and Letters of Sir Ernest Mason Satow (1843-1929), a Scholar-Diplomat in East Asia by Satow, Ernest M., Ruxton, I... ISBN: 9780773482487 List Price: $139.95
A Guide to Diplomatic Practice (Volume 2) by Satow, Sir Ernest Mason ISBN: 9781154168402 List Price: $11.85
Kuaiwa Hen : Twenty-five Exercises in the Yedo Colloquial, for the Use of Students, with Notes by Sir Ernest Mason Satow ISBN: 9781245293907 List Price: $23.75
Guide to Diplomatic Practice by Sir Ernest Mason Satow ISBN: 9781246181180 List Price: $35.75
Jesuit Mission Press in Japan 1591-1610 by Sir Ernest Mason Satow ISBN: 9781278021645 List Price: $20.75
Guide to Diplomatic Practice by Sir Ernest Mason Satow ISBN: 9781248874608 List Price: $36.75
Cultivation of Bamboos in Japan by Sir Ernest Mason Satow, Naw... ISBN: 9781276250535 List Price: $26.75
Diplomat in Japan; the Inner History of the Critical Years in the Evolution of Japan When th... by Satow, Sir Ernest Mason ISBN: 9781236375070 List Price: $24.02
Kuaiwa Hen; Twenty-Five Exercises in the Yedo Colloquial, for the Use of Students, with Notes by Satow, Sir Ernest Mason ISBN: 9781236574114 List Price: $14.14
Kuaiwa Hen Volume 1; Twenty-Five Exercises in the Yedo Colloquial, for the Use of Students, ... by Satow, Sir Ernest Mason ISBN: 9781130294064 List Price: $14.14
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